The department consists of consultants, a senior fellow, a registrar from the South Australia ENT training program and a RMO.

The department is a regional referral centre and offers advanced otology, rhinology and head and neck services to the entire Northern Territory. Based both at the RDPH but also with outreach visits to Indigenous communities as well as Katherine and Gove Hospitals.

Senior fellow

This is an internationally recognised fellowship available to post fellowship surgeons in training. The position offers excellent exposure to all the subspecialties in otolaryngology, but with an emphasis on advanced otology and head and neck surgery. There are significant teaching and administrative responsibilities which provide an excellent training base for soon to be consultants.

Appointments are for 1 year.


This position is open to advanced trainees on the South Australia training program and is accredited. It is suitable for all years of the SET program, and provides a very good exposure to both general and sub specialty ENT, again with a strong emphasis on otology and head and neck.

Appointments are for 6 months.


Audit and research are constantly ongoing and are actively encouraged, with specific time allocated in the weekly timetable for research, audits and private study. Participation in national and international conferences and courses is also expected.

Outreach program

The Northern Territory of Australia is like no other place in the world. Darwin is the major city and the while the Caucasian population exhibit similar disease demographics to other developed countries, the Aboriginal population are very different. They have an immensely ancient and rich culture and can live in remote communities often thousands of kilometres away from any ENT services. Middle ear disease is endemic in these communities.

ENT training at RDPH offers a unique opportunity to experience, help organise and deliver outreach services. Often flying in small single prop aircraft to remote communities, landing on dirt airstrips to provide ENT services to these communities, this outreach service provides the people of the community essential medical care, while providing the doctors with an exciting and rewarding experience.


Formal teaching opportunities include:

  • Weekly RDPH grand rounds
  • Weekly RDPH division of surgery grand rounds
  • Weekly division of surgery journal club
  • Weekly radiology meeting