Resident Medical Officer (RMO) positions are available through the annual RDH RMO intake. Priority is given to those who will provide service to the NT population as future GPs, GP obstetricians or specialist obstetrician and gynaecologists. Prospective RMOs are encouraged to consider formal Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) certification pathways, including the Certificate of Women’s Health.

Prospective GP obstetricians considering future work in the NT should contact the director of obstetrics and gynaecology training directly to discuss opportunities to undertake the advanced diploma. These positions are highly sought after and expressions of interest are recommended prior to job advertisements.

Accredited registrar (including senior registrar and rural rotations) and unaccredited (service) registrar positions are available for existing and future specialist trainees with an interest in the diversity and challenges of the Top End. These positions are highly sought after and expressions of interest are recommended prior to job advertisements.