Interns and residents

Interns and residents in emergency medicine undertake a variety of day, evening and night shifts and are given 3 hours of consultant-led protected teaching on Wednesday afternoons. Rotations in emergency can be arranged through medical administration as part of a mixed rotation year.


SRMOs are employed on a specific rotation and need to be at least PGY3 with a minimum of three months previous ED experience.

There are four 10-hour shifts per week, supervised directly by the specialist or the night registrar during the evening. SRMOs who are not in ACEM training are encouraged to complete the emergency medicine certificate as a 6-month undertaking.


The ED is accredited for 18 months adult emergency medicine training plus the paediatric log book. Accredited rotations are offered in intensive care, anaesthetics, medicine, paediatrics and retrieval. Additionally there are rural and remote special skills terms of 3 to 6 months for advanced trainees based in Tennant Creek Hospital.

There are 4 hours of protected registrar teaching each week and support is given to the primary and fellowship exams, including exam training assistance, which have a good success rate.

Quality assurance shifts for skills development are provided, along with support for work based assessments and roster supervised ‘in-charge consultant’ shifts.

Applications are accepted for the whole year, or rotations for 3 or 6 months before returning to the applicant’s base hospital on arrangement with their director in emergency medicine training or director.

The ED is a great place for a 6-month non-tertiary placement, gaining experience prior to undertaking voluntary service overseas, or for broadening experience in emergency medicine or Aboriginal health.