Alice Springs Hospital is fully accredited by the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA) for vocational training in Anaesthetics.


Training positions offer a range of experience that is diverse and challenging, providing uncommon exposure to specialised surgical conditions and the culture of Aboriginal peoples.

Because of its isolated location, the hospital manages a vast range of general surgical and orthopaedic trauma, including neurosurgical and vascular surgical emergencies.

  • Approximately 8,000 cases are undertaken annually in 6 operating theatres, with paediatric cases making up around 15 per cent of the case load through ENT, dental and general surgery.
  • Elective surgery encompasses all general specialties, including general surgery, orthopaedics, dental, obstetrics and gynaecology, gastroenterology, ENT and ophthalmology.
  • Visiting medical specialists support elective vascular surgery, urology and plastic surgery as well oral and maxillofacial surgery. Anaesthetic services also are provided to radiology for CT and MRI.
  • The hospital has a 10 bed intensive care unit which is currently undergoing an expansion with three full-time intensivists.
  • The hospital has the largest single-standing dialysis unit in the southern hemisphere with more than 400 patients on dialysis.
  • Vascular access for haemodialysis is managed by the general surgical team. Vascular access issues are dealt with by the renal physicians (Angiographically) and visiting vascular surgeons.
  • Obstetric Anaesthetics makes up a fair percentage of the hospital’s work with many patients presenting with rheumatic valvular heart disease.

Training in acute pain management is provided through the pain service, along with a chronic pain service, and interested trainees can be given necessary training in this field.

The department has links with the retrieval service and intensive care unit and can facilitate training and clinical exposure to these areas for suitably experienced doctors.

Trainees are well supervised and have ample opportunities for varied hands-on experience. Ultrasound is widely used for regional anaesthetics, as well as vascular access and consultants are keen to teach trainees this skill.

Anaesthetics Residents

There are anaesthetic RMO positions, which are for 3 month terms, where residents are closely supervised and supported in theatre, being paired with a consultant or senior registrar.

The anaesthetic department is affiliated with Flinders University and the Northern Territory Medical Program for medical students’ training.