Alice Springs Hospital (ASH) is seeking a motivated advanced trainee to work as endocrinology registrar in the Department of Medicine. This is accredited as general medicine non-core/ sub-specialty and as non-core endocrinology. You can apply for 6 or 12 months. Can extend to 24 months if dual training in renal or general medicine.
The expanding Endocrinology and Diabetes team at ASH consists of 2 or 3 local endocrinologists and is complemented by four Diabetes Nurse Educators. The high prevalence of diabetes in the local population (up to 40 % of aboriginal adults) provides opportunity to improve your knowledge and management of diabetes.
We also provide a wide range of general endocrinology services, as the only service for over 1600 km. We do not have pituitary surgery or nuclear medicine on site but look after patients before and after these procedures and modalities and work closely with referral centres including Royal Darwin Hospital, Royal Adelaide Hospital and Flinders Medical Centre and participate in regular MDTs. Hospital work involves outpatient clinics (both Diabetes and general Endocrinology), ward consults of often complex patients, and outreach clinics.
The Department of Medicine staff consists of a mix of General Physicians and other Specialists, many with dual training. We have local cardiology, rheumatology, respiratory, infectious diseases, palliative care, alcohol and other drugs, a large renal unit, gastroenterology, rehabilitation and many regular visiting specialists. There is on site general surgery, orthopaedics, obstetrics, gynaecology, psychiatry, paediatrics, day procedures unit and an 11 bed ICU. There are four General Medical teams, a busy Outpatient Department and we provide outreach clinics to some of the most remote parts of Australia.
Essential qualifications
Applicants must be AHPRA-registered and eligible for Advanced Training. The position is accredited for General and Acute Care Medicine and can count towards Endocrine "elective" year. Subspecialty advanced trainees wanting experience in rural general medicine or indigenous health are strongly encouraged to apply.
Dr Kirsten Neal, Registrar Recruitment,