
Expand your horizons and propel your career in the Northern Territory


Intern positions aligned with the AMC framework are available to graduates of accredited Australian and New Zealand universities.

The NT Prevocational Medical Assurance Services (PMAS) conducts a central review of eligible applicants and all intern positions are allocated within the two health services.

Both health services are accredited to meet the 47 week minimum Medical Board of Australia (MBA) general registration standard.

  • Top End Region has a 5 term Internship year - Interns work at Gove and Katherine as well as Royal Darwin and Palmerston Regional hospitals.
  • Central Australia Region has a 4 term Internship year - Interns work at Tennant Creek and Alice Springs hospitals.

Eligible applicants are allocated intern positions in line with the Northern Territory category groups. Within the relevant category groups, applicants are allocated to their highest possible health service preference, pending availability of a position. The application is via the national process and information can be found on the NT Prevocational Medical Assurance Services website.

For general enquiries regarding intern applications email or phone 08 8999 2834.

Central Australia

The Central Australia Region (CAR), accredited by PMAS on behalf of the Northern Territory Medical Board, offers a dynamic clinical training program for junior medical officers.

Interns in postgraduate year 1 (PGY1) are provisionally registered by the MBA and administered through the Australian Health Practitioners Regulatory Authority (AHPRA). There are currently 24 accredited Intern positions available.

General registration is granted after successful completion of the Internship (PGY1) program.

This includes:

  • A minimum of 47 weeks full-time equivalent service.
  • Satisfactory completion of four domains with assessment as per the AMC Framework.

Four term rotations are offered at CAR. Interns undertake the following:

  • General Medicine.
  • General Surgery.
  • Emergency.
  • Renal.
  • Orthopaedics.
  • Paediatrics.
  • Rural Generalist at Tennant Creek Hospital (TCH).

Term positions are allocated randomly, however those who are keen to rotate to TCH may indicate this in their application.



08 - 17 Jan

Term 1

20 Jan - 20 Apr

Term 2

21 Apr - 20 Jul

Term 3

21 Jul - 19 Oct

Term 4

20 Oct 2025 - 18 Jan 2026

Top End

Interns are in postgraduate year 1 (PGY1) and are provisionally registered by the MBA administered through AHPRA. General registration is granted after successful completion of the Internship PGY1 a minimum of 47 weeks full-time equivalent service. The prevocational training is structured around the following clinical experiences:

  • Undifferentiated illness.
  • Chronic illness.
  • Acute and critical illness.
  • Peri-operative/procedural.

On and off site accommodation is available at Royal Darwin, Katherine and Gove Hospitals for up to 12 weeks for interns relocating from interstate.

Royal Darwin and Palmerston Hospital (RDPH) supports relocation costs for interns relocating from interstate.



15 - 19 Jan

5 days


22 - 24 Jan

3 days

Term 1

25 Jan - 10 Apr

11 weeks

Term 2

11 Apr – 19 Jun

10 weeks

Term 3

20 Jun – 4 Sep

11 weeks

Term 4

5 Sep – 13 Nov

10 weeks

Term 5

14 Nov – 2 Feb 2025

11 weeks 4 days



13 Jan - 17 Jan

5 days


20 Jan - 22 Jan

3 days

Term 1

23 Jan - 09 Apr

11 weeks

Term 2

10 Apr - 18 Jun

10 weeks

Term 3

19 Jun - 03 Sep

11 weeks

Term 4

04 Sep - 12 Nov

10 weeks

Term 5

13 Nov - 01 Feb 2026

11 weeks 4 days

Interns undertake an orientation program prior to commencing ward duties.

The time allocated for this mandatory orientation is up to 10 days depending on the health service you are employed at. The orientation is predominantly hands-on and interactive. Key elements include:

  • Utilising the simulation laboratory.
  • Cultural competencies.
  • Use of hospital health systems.
  • Introduction to management of unique and complex patient presentations.

You will be advised by your employing hospital when the hospital orientation is scheduled. Both hospitals usually run their orientations in early January.

Please note that term specific orientation takes place at the commencement of each term.

The Royal Darwin Hospital is a teaching hospital, with strong links to the Northern Territory Medical Program, Flinders University and James Cook University College of Medicine.

The hospital's Medical Education Unit provides a comprehensive training program for junior medical officers. Interns have the opportunity to attend weekly protected training sessions which delivers topics that are relevant and applicable to a medical officer at the intern level of training.

Formal and informal teaching sessions related to the specific terms are delivered weekly by consultants and registrars. Most departments will have regular formal grand rounds, journal clubs and specific sessions where all junior doctors, particularly interns, are encouraged to attend.

The education and training program for interns is mapped to the Australian Curriculum Framework for Junior Doctors. Term descriptions provided at the term orientation will show how an intern may meet the framework in that term.

The Northern Territory has a strong focus on the Rural Generalist pathway. At the junior medical officer levels, you will have the opportunity to broaden and consolidate your knowledge and skills through exposure to rotations within rural and remote settings.

Supervision is provided to all interns as part of their intern education and training program. It also contributes to developing their transition to safe independent practice. Each department/division has a term supervisor who is responsible for coordinating and ensuring intern training. Each intern will also have a clinical supervisor within their team who provides education and training, career advice and support the intern to achieve their learning goals.

Interns will meet with their supervisors at the start of each term to define learning objectives, intern's and supervisor’s expectations and the role and responsibility of the intern within the team.

Interns meet with their supervisors mid-term for a formative assessment, to ensure that they are working towards their set goals and to discuss any concerns. The end of term assessment is a formal, summative assessment which contributes to gaining full registration at the end of the intern year. These assessments will be discussed at your term orientation and usually comprise of, direct observation, participation in case studies and other department/division education and training sessions.

Eligibility Categories

  • The number of Intern places in the Northern Territory are limited and therefore are very competitive.
  • To be eligible as an Intern applicant in the Northern Territory you must not have completed a medical Internship previously.
  • If you have completed an internship previously (overseas), please go to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) website for more information.

The applicant eligibility categories in order of selection for Internship in the Northern Territory are:




NT Bonded Medical Scheme (NTBMS) Applicants


Aboriginal applicants who are:

  • NT Aboriginal Scholarship Holders
  • Identified as Aboriginal NT Residents*
  • Other Aboriginal applicants


NT applicants (Non-Aboriginal) who are:

  • NTG Scholarship Holders
  • Identified as an NT Resident*


Australian applicants (Non-Aboriginal/Non NT residents) who have:

  • Previous experience working/studying in the NT (e.g. JCU/Flinders/other university medical school student placement/s)
  • Previous experience in a rural, remote and Aboriginal health location/s (e.g. Aboriginal Medical Services, Rural Clinical Schools, involvement in Rural Student Clubs and those applicants who come from rural and remote locations)
  • Other eligible Australian applicants

National intern data audit

To assist States and Territories with the filling of intern positions, a national audit of internship acceptances for the following clinical year will occur. Information disclosed will be restricted to name, date of birth, university attended or attending, student number, AHPRA registration number, email address, contact number and residency status.

The information will not be used to influence or determine the outcome of an applicant's application. This information may be used by States and Territories to determine whether applicants have accepted multiple positions. Specific information will not be disclosed to persons not involved in the audit.

Applicants who are identified as having accepted more than one position will be contacted by the National Intern Data Audit Manager by phone or email and asked to withdraw from all intern positions within 48 hours, except for the one where they intend to undertake their internship commencing in the following year. Applicants may access any of their information held by the National Intern Data Audit by contacting the National Audit Data Manager.

For general enquiries regarding this process or to access your information email the National Intern Data Audit Manager at

Why work with us

Intern - Royal Darwin Hospital

Junior Doctor - Royal Darwin Hospital

Dr Rochelle Basset
Junior Doctor

Dr Romali Boteju
International Medical Graduate

Get in touch

For general enquiries regarding intern applications email or phone 08 8999 2834.

Greater career opportunity goes with the Territory.

Apply now